Support Independent Living

Support Independent Living (SIL) Accommodation

For individuals that have higher requirements and need some help all the time, they should go for supported independent living.

It implies that there is a significant need for the amount of help required 24/7.

Thus, at Royal Care Assist, we also provide Supported Independent Living (SIL) to help and supervise all the daily activities done at the participant’s home to ensure that they are enabled to live with maximum independence.




SIL Accommodation is a scheme that strives to build the skills of individuals with special needs. It is personal-based support that is to be paid and is frequently used for sharing the living arrangements. These arrangements on a basic level include things like having an expert person to help with personal care and hygiene tasks, cooking meals, making the bed, etc.


SIL can be achieved while you live with other participants, or if you wish to live on your own. However,  there can also be other living support plans which might suit you better.


To get a clearer picture on the funding side of supported independent living, it isn’t made available for things like the rent or regular household requirements like groceries. Here, participants receive a Support Coordinator, who helps in finding a provider which in turn would enable the participant to develop a roaster of care submissions.


Above all, it remains to be noted that if the individual doesn’t have enough funding for support coordination, they can look for providers in the Finder. All-in-all, the pack includes how SIL will help you out, the planning and plotting, home and living support alternatives, service agreements, and support coordination.


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